Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tick Tock

Time flies when you're having fun, I'm definitely a victim! I haven't been still long enough to blog not to mention since I am somewhat technologically challenged, I've had some difficulty learning out to utilize my new wireless broadband connection. The move to Birmingham has definitely been a positive step in learning more about my life, my feelings and my plans for the future. I've learned a bigger city is still a very small town. I've learned to appreciate all types of people and have met some wonderful new friends along with reconnecting with several old. As I've looked inside myself I realize that I can be happy pretty much anywhere. Highlands is the new Firehouse; Bottega has replaced Hunts. Life in the sorority house is interesting to say the least and always entertaining. I enjoy having something to do all the time for about 14 days then I love coming back to my new little place in Headland and being surrounded by small town living and the people I love. I know this is only a short update but I hope to return to at least a weekly update if not more. Just wanted to let you know I'm "bringing blogging back" to my life. Thanks to all of you who read and have let me know that you've missed my posts.