Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mama Mia!

Last week I saw Mama Mia and I found it quite uplifting. There were things I didn't like about the movie, but overall the music left me with such a feel good mentality, I've had ABBA songs running through my head for six days. Of course the Dancing Queen Sequence was my favorite followed by Take A Chance On Me. While in the theater when all was quiet I blurted out "they shouldn't allow Pierce Brosnan to sing" more laughter ensued than during most of the movie. Apparently some of my friends thought I could relate to Tonya as she stumbled around the island in her high heels, lugged around a full wardrobe and had a face cream that cost $1000. Maybe ;-) All I can say is "heels, pills, thrills & $1000 face cream- SOS! Let's get off this island and see the world!" Mama Mia, here I go again...My My, how did I let him go?" Perhaps my prayer will be answered and a certain someone will invite me to the island, so I can start seeing the world...Go see it, take a chance on me, I'm the dancing queen :)