Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath Ledger Is Dead, And I Don't Feel So Well Myself

I remember the first time I saw Heath Ledger in Knight's Tale, I was an instant fan. What a tail he had indeed! Golden Years- (bop bop)- Ohhh Woahh (bop bop)! Today the headlines tell of his death due to an accidental or not-so accidental overdose @ the home of Mary Kate Olsen. WTH? Where was Michelle Williams? Did she read about this on a blog posting or any other internet report the same way I did? Perhaps. What about Baby Matilda? All these and other questions run through my Dayquil laden brain...

Let's try to get our facts in order. Said Ledger was found naked after overdosing on Rx sleeping pills while waiting for a massage @ the home of one of the Olsen twins. It must be a hard life after Brokeback for the young man. Granted it was on Blue Monday (the day when there are more reported suicides than any other); but was this suicide? What did our handsome young knight have going on that he didn't want to face tomorrow? Another movie? Not being nominated for an Oscar this year? Depression over the fact that the Golden Globes were only an announcement? Or was he worried about what Joan & Melissa Rivers were going to say about what he chose to wear to the Academy Awards? Afterall, the stressors of everyday Ledger Life were impending as he was awaiting a massage & apparently he wasn't sleeping (thus the need for sleeping pills in the first place?!?!).

None of this quite makes sense to me YET certainly over the next few days we're going to hear all about the woes and joys of our handsome fallen hero Heath. Think about it... Our Presidential Candidates are outshined by our Hollywood Heretics. I know I'm guilty for my love of Celeb-Reality. Admittedly, I know much more about the lives of Britney Spears, K-Fed, Paris Hilton, Mr. Ledger & the gang than I do Mike Huckabee, Barak Obama, Rudy J, Ms. Clinton or anyone else who might run my country next year. I can also tell you more about what's happening in Hollyweird than I can tell you about the War in Iraq, potential school vouchers, social security, foreign or domestic policy and stem cell research (and I've had a stem cell transplant).

What does this say about me and our society as a whole? I say- we're not feeling so well ourselves. We desire to be entertained rather than search facts, truth or knowledge about our world. My personal reason for ignoring "News" is that it has become so depressing I'd rather not know about it. I'd rather stick my head in a hole in the ground and only deal with/think about "Shiny Happy People (and/or) Shiny Happy Things". I've dumbed myself down by religiously watching E, MySuper Sweet Sixteen, America's Next Top Model and countless other MTV Reality (or not so reality) TV Marathons. I honestly don't have any answers, just thoughts on societies obsession with Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous vs. REAL Issues. Perhaps we will sit back and watch Dubai take over as our economy continues its downward spiral? Idk. Perhaps that's in the overall plan? I think back to Heath for a moment...RIP my friend. Your death is indeed a tragedy; however, I don't think it should receive top headline over global issues. Maybe if we paid more attention to what's really going on in the world than we do to you and who has custody of Britney's kids this week, you might still be here? Sleep well tonight. I know I'm going to rethink the things in which I'm placing the most value.


Anonymous said...

when i read the news of heath's death, i immediately (for some reason) pictured him brokebackin' it on the big screen. and a piece of irony came to me. in brokeback, it was his partner jack twist who died; in real life, it was the brave knight. rip mr. ledger.

Anonymous said...

glad you have suited up, Nat! Enjoy the ride! hhhmmmm. reality tv.... Try Tru TV.... Not reality. Actuality.